Every now and again in amongst the darkness of wars that have nothing to do with us and general doom and gloom that is fed to us 24 hours a day by our Mainstream Media, a little chink of light appears and a miraculous thing happens. A good news story makes it onto the News.
I'm not saying that what happened to the elderly gentleman pictured above is good news but what came of his ordeal was just wonderful. Alan Barnes, a disabled pensioner was mugged right outside his house in Gateshead. He was thrown to the ground and broke his collar bone. After his ordeal, he was terrified to stay in his own house and went to his sister's house to recover. In the meantime, a young woman called Katy Cutler heard what happened to Alan and decided to set up an online donation page to raise money to help him move to another house. She initially intended to raise £500 to help him buy carpets and curtains for a new home but the donation page went viral (as they say in social network circles) and as of today's date, the amount of money raised for Alan is now standing at £300,000. That is more than enough money for Alan to buy his own house. What a fantastic happy ending!