I have no interest in politics and I hardly watch the News now but I believe we are getting involved in a war with something called IS (Islamic State). Is this another new made up expression designed to make us frightened enough to back yet another war in the Middle East that has fluff all to do with the UK? We are not in danger of "psychotic terrorist" attacks in the UK, in the same way we were not in any danger of Sadam Hussain pressing a button and launching a weapon of mass destruction which Tony Bliar told us would arrive in the UK in 45 minutes. The only psychotic terrorists we know of are sitting in a big building in Westminster giving the go-ahead for another bloody war.
I can't bring myself to post a photo of David Cameron because it just makes me want to slap his big round shiny face.
Right, got that off my chest. I'm off on my holidays soon in approximately une semaine so I don't really care about any of it. Not my circus, not my monkeys (quaint old Polish expression).